Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's been a while...

... a really long while.  Truth be told, I've been struggling with this post for a while. The blog is called Adventures in Life, but it really only seems to be about Afghanistan.  Maybe after this trip I'll post more often.  More about my other adventures.  More about life.  Maybe.

So my next adventure is back to Afghanistan in April.  This will be my third trip, my second on an all-women's team, and although Afghanistan holds a piece of my heart, each trip is completely different and teaches me something completely new.  A new group of people to travel with, new places to go, and general changes in the country mean that no two trips are ever alike.  Just like snowflakes.

With the recent events I know that many of you are concerned.  But please know that we are keeping in constant contact with people on the ground there.  These people care more about keeping us safe than just about anything else, and if they say that it isn't safe, or have even the slightest concern, we will postpone the trip. Would that be hard? Absolutely. You begin to anticipate your trip and get so excited about it long before you leave, and the let down of not going then can be hard.  But it would be wise. And that is more important than what I want or feel.  Generally the wisest things in life are also the hardest.

So with my trip a month away, I am getting excited. I'm excited to see my friends there and be able to talk to them in person. I'm excited to meet a whole bunch of women and encourage them. But I'm also praying.  I'm praying for the families of those innocently killed.  I'm praying for our service members that are over there.  I'm praying for my friends. I'm praying.

Please join me in praying. 

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