Friday, October 1, 2010

Fun and Games

So one of the goals that my team has while we're in Afghanistan is to honor women.  Women are rarely, if ever, publicly thanked for all that they do, and we want them to know that what they are doing is making a difference.  And that they are loved by people half-a-world away.  So one of the things that we hope to do while over in Afghanistan is throw a party for some of the school teachers.  We hope to have them over for a meal, give them gifts and enjoy an evening together. And this is where you come in...

We want to play a game with them, and we need ideas of what game to play.  The game needs to be fairly simple. For example, one of the ideas that is floating around is Twister, because all we would need to do is learn 8 words (the four colors, hand, food, right, left) and it would be easy to explain.  

So if you have any ideas of games that would be easy to teach, and uses relatively few words, let me know.  Just leave a comment below.

And if you need a good laugh, just imagine 20 women in multiple layers of clothing, all trying desperately to get their left hand on blue....

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